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Graduate School of Social Systems Science

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Educational & Academic Purposes of the GraduateSchool of Social Systems Science
The Graduate School of Social Systems Science offers education and research opportunities in a management engineering methodology for a wide variety of systems covering everything from business management to social economy. The master’s program produces professional engineers and researchers with an advanced level of management abilities to cope with systems that are increasingly complicated and diversified. The doctoral program produces researchers who have highly professional expertise in management and social systems and can build a new systematization of knowledge in the areas in which they specialize.

Master’s Program and Doctoral Program

Master’s Program and Doctoral Program in Management Science

Management Science offers an academic framework for the development of science and engineering methodologies for the management of organizations. At the same time, it represents a body of knowledge on science and technology for the analysis, design, and operation of various management systems. The program comprises four research fields addressing diverse systems from business management to social economy; Social and Economic Systems, Management Information Systems, Project Management, and Risk Management. The course offers education and research providing wide-ranging specialist knowledge concerning management methodologies and theories from a science and engineering viewpoint. The master’s course fosters advanced specialist engineers and researchers who can meet the challenges of increasingly complex and diverse social systems in times of turbulent change. In addition, the doctoral program builds on the master’s course to develop people who can cope with advanced research tasks in the field of social systems from an engineering standpoint.